I had one of those "shoulda, woulda, coulda" moments the other day. Kurt had been planning to go to The Dark Knight with a group of friends we had recently met at church. I had plans to happily sack out on the couch with a movie that I didn't want to force Kurt to see, but had been wanting to see myself. During the day, though, I decided to go to the movie, too. "Why not? I really do want to see it and maybe going will help build friendships." So against my better judgment, I hopped onto the Batman boat and took off with everyone to go to the movies.
I knew within the first 5 minutes that me going to Batman was a HUGE mistake. As soon as the Scarecrow dude appeared on screen, I suddenly remembered that the ONLY reason I had enjoyed the first Batman movie was because I had watched it with Kurt who had seen it before and could tell me when to close my eyes to avoid seeing something Emily's should just not see. But alas, there I was, stuck in the theater, surrounded with people and completely vulnerable! Let's just say I spent a lot of time contemplating the design on my t-shirt! Lesson learned: If you feel that something will be just to much for you to handle, do not, under ANY circumstance, talk yourself into going!
Now that I have had time to unwind from that unpleasant experience, I do have to say that the Dark Knight is very well done. I can understand why everyone loves it so much and I agree that Heath Ledger should win an Oscar. But if you're like me, and would rather not spend the next twelve hours trying to wipe your memory of images that I know MY Jesus didn't want me to see, then maybe you should hold off and wait to see it with someone who can close your eyes (and maybe even your ears) at just the right moments.