Monday, January 31, 2011

3 Months!

It is incredible to me how quickly time has flown by. I was talking to Kurt the other day about how even the memories of Grace as a newborn are fuzzy now. All I can think of is how cute she is that very day!

GRACE at 3 Months:

~Smiles at everything! She has definitely mastered the heart melting smile.

~Has laughed a handful of times and oh, how we love it!

~Has very sensitive skin that rashes regularly.

We've discovered she's even allergic to Burt's Bees products!

~Doesn't sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning, but easily sleeps for 8 hours without waking.
We just wish she'd sleep at more normal times!

~Has been sleeping in her own room since week 12!
~Is happiest when she's sitting up tall. This little one wants to see whats going on
~Weighs over 14 pounds.

She is a great baby. Generally happy and very contented and quite the joy to be around!
We love you, Smush!

And now, for your viewing enjoyment...the many faces of Grace!