8 years ago
Monday, April 11, 2011
Grace pulls an April Fools prank.
My sweet girl pulled her first prank at less then a year old! We were in CA on April 1, to help Grandpa Krohmer celebrate his 90th birthday. Grace and I were alone in the hotel room. I had put Grace down for the night in the hotel crib that was located next to our room's entertainment center. As I flipped through the TV channels, I came upon the show Ghost Adventures. I'm a big sucker for that kind of show-it scares the snot out of me, yet I can't NOT watch! As I watched, I could feel myself getting sucked in and freaked out at the same time. All of a sudden, the top drawer of the entertainment center flew open! I about had a heart attack until I realized our wiggly little worm (who wasn't sleeping) had managed to get her feet between the crib bars, under the drawer edge and had given it a kick! If only she knew how many years she removed from my life with that trick...!
5 Months Old
GRACE at 5 months:
~Spends a good deal of time squealing with glee! It's so cute.
~Her biggest smiles are saved for Daddy. He's definitely wrapped around her little finger.
~Can roll from her back to her tummy at will. We're still working on getting to her back again on purpose!
~Is very close to sitting up on her own. She usually get so excited she just tips over!
~Really likes to stand on our laps so she can see what's going on.
~Is sleeping through the night again, usually on her side and for around 12 hours! =0)
~Just started rice cereal! (23 weeks) She seems pretty neutral-doesn't love it, doesn't hate it, but sure does like to wear it!
~Last time we weighed her, our scale said she was 18 pounds! Not sure I believe it though...
~Took her first plane ride at 22 weeks. She was a trooper!! Slept through most of the flights and had fun playing for the rest of the time!
Madly in love with this girl!
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