Thursday, May 19, 2011

6 Month Stats

We went to the doctor this week for Grace's 6 month check-up. Our little girl is healthy and happy! Here's where she's at:

Height: 27 1/2 inches...only at quarter inch gain since last appointment, putting her in the 90th percentile.

Weight: 17.6 pounds...She weighs more that her cousin, but he's beating her in length! She's now in the 75th percentile for weight.

Head: 17 1/2 inches...I can't remember what it was last time, but now she's in the 75th percentile.

Her growth rate has slowed a bit, but she's still doing well. I'm actually a little glad she's slowed down...for a while there I was picturing a daughter taller then Kurt!

In addition to going to the doctor this week, she also sprouted BOTH bottom teeth on Monday (5/16) AND decided to try to crawl. Right now all she does is get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth, but its a start! And now this momma is proofing, here I come! ;0)

Friday, May 6, 2011

6 Months Old!

I am having so much fun watching Grace learn and explore. She is definitely all baby now--no more newborn here! I love watching her reach and grab and find new ways to move. SO thankful I get to spend the day with her!

GRACE at 6 months:

~Refuses to roll from her tummy to her back! I know she can (I've seen her do it with both arms swaddled!), but she would rather holler until I help her then do it herself.

~Is getting closer and closer to sitting on her own.

~Is sleeping un-swaddled! We had a week of horrible sleep where Grace would be awake for hours in the middle of the night. We took away her swaddling blanket and voila!, a baby that sleeps through the night! I think she was having too much fun playing with the fabric.

~Height and weight stats are coming...I was slow in making her appointment and they couldn't get us in until middle of May!

~Absolutely REFUSES to eat solid food! We've tried rice cereal, oatmeal, peas and blueberry puffs. She either refuses to open her mouth or gags on the bites she does let in! Sheesh!

~Makes the cutest lip smacking noise! I make it quite often to entertain her and one day she smacked right back. Too cute!

~Has started making "sniffy" faces. No idea why or where she learned it, but she'll wrinkle up her nose and sniff through it. So funny!

As I'm writing this, I'm realizing how much of her personality is starting to shine through. Generally, she's a very joyful baby, content to play on the floor. But she also has ideas about how things should be (just look at everything she's refusing to do!). She has a pretty goofy streak in her, too! Love you Smush!