Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a wonderful Fourth of July!

We had a fantastic Fourth here at the Krohmer household. The Boise Krohmers (sans Kent) came down for a lazy day of hiking, board games and feline entertainment. (With a 1.5 month kitten in the house, its ALWAYS entertaining!) We feasted on hamburgers (thanks Kurt!) AND fresh fruit salad, baked beans, potato salad and four bean salad! Yummy, yummy, yummy!

And the fireworks--OH, the fireworks! Kurt and I discovered last year that we have the perfect viewing place from the empty lot next to our apartment. No crowds and practically in the comfort of our own home. How cool is that!?! It is definitely my favorite way to celebrate the fourth and quickly on its way to becoming a family tradition!

Hope everyone else's Fourth was just as wonderful!

1 comment:

Jake and Jill Denbrook said...

I'm liking the new background. Very cute. How is it that the picture showcasing your jumping talented has not been posted? :)