Monday, August 3, 2009


I am very slow with this post, but I figure she's so cute she deserves to be introduced to our loyal fan base anyway. (All one of you.) End of June we adopted a little sister for Maybe. Her name is Mo (because of an orange "Mo-hawk" on the top of her head) and she's wonderful! Maybe now has a friend to keep him company and she has certainly entertained us all summer. So without further ado, I give you Mo!
Our two kitties--one big and one little!

Wierdest nap position ever!

This would be Mo on top of the blanket snuggling with Maybe under the blanket!


Kristine said...

Um...cute!! Mo and Maybe, those are some fun names! :)

Jake and Jill Denbrook said...

So sweet...makes me want a baby kitten!

Chelsea said...

Sooo Cute! I love kittens!