Friday, September 24, 2010

The Krohmer House for Battered Birds

This is a cat. A very naughty cat. We call him Maybe.

Maybe is the reason we are now in caring for a mourning dove named Bird-izzle.

Not cool, cat. Not cool.

In an attempt to take care of his pathetic humans who don't know how to hunt, Maybe caught a bird and brought it to us...while it was still alive. And we weren't home. He then proceeded to chase Bird-izzle all around our kitchen and dining room, leaving a trail of feathers. A trail that we followed several hours later when we returned home. It led to a very scared Bird-izzle, trapped between the fridge and the wall, with a very proud Maybe cat standing guard. (It was his very first bird, you see.) Needless to say, we were not very proud...especially since this is southern Idaho, where mourning doves are abundant and there aren't any prolific bird rescue stations that I know of. So we were stuck with a damaged bird that appeared to have the possibility of recovering; a fact that I, in my currently overly-nurturing state, couldn't ignore.

What did we do? We rescued that poor, pathetic bird, named him Bird-izzle and have been housing him in our cat carrier (ironic, isn't it?) in the garage. And due to the fact that he isn't leafy and green, he seems to be improving! He has been freed from the carrier to walk around, which he seems to enjoy, but has not yet attempted to fly. But soon Bird-izzle will show an ability to behave like a normal bird, we shall return him to his native habit, and I can stop feeling like an idiot every time I stick my head into the garage and mutter some statement about a "bird-izzle." sigh. What a beautiful problem to have.

Perhaps next time I will tell you about this creature:

Our Mo cat...who seems to think she IS a bird.

Addendum: In the 12 hours since this post was written, Birdizzle took a turn for the worse and is now lying feet up.... I'm sorry little birdie. I really did try. Please don't think this reflects at all on my ability to parent. We'll assume baby girl will be fine since she isn't made of leaves OR feathers....

1 comment:

Jake and Jill Denbrook said...

But what if she IS made of leaves and feathers....wouldn't that make for quite the story.