Saturday, July 30, 2011

9 Months Old

Our sweet girl is 9 months old. Wow! She's fully mobile, full of smiles and cute noises, and so much fun. It blows my mind that she's been on the outside as long as she was inside. =0)

GRACE at 9 months:

~Has discovered how to make the "G" sound. She crawls through the house making a guttural G noise, sounding an awful lot like static.

~Still refuses to smile well for the camera. Makes it really hard for us to get a good picture!

~Laughs hardest when she's playing with Dad. Melts my heart!

~Has figured out how to pull into standing and cruise along the furniture. She'll stand with only one hand on the furniture; one of these days she'll take off walking!

~Is sleeping a bit better. She goes to bed between 8 or 9, wakes up early in the morning to nurse and then starts her day around 9.

~At last weigh-in she was 18 pounds, 11 ounces. (9mth appointment is later this month.)

~Has been been having a heck of a time teething. She was so crabby for about 2 weeks that we took her to the doc to make sure she didn't have an ear infection. The verdict was teething. However, her teeth have not come in, but she's in a much better mood so I won't complain!

~She's really eating solid food! We're on stage 2 foods, eating solid food 3 times a day and nursing before naps and bedtime. It makes me wonder if she was just hungry during her crabby period...

Funny story: Grace has recently figured out the head shake. The other day we were trying to check her mouth for any new teeth (an impossible feat). After much squirming and fussing, we gave up. We were discussing how that does not bode well for future visits to the dentist, so Kurt asked Grace if she was going to like going to the dentist. She looked right at him with an impish grin on her face and shook her head no! We busted up laughing, asked her again and got the same result! Too funny! Gotta love this girl!

Friday, July 1, 2011

8 Months and on the move!

Grace is on the move and I am frantically trying to keep up.
Life just got really exciting around here!

GRACE at 8 Months:

~Says both Momma and Dada, especially when she's having fun. We're just waiting until she realizes what they mean...!

~Is still one of the smiliest babies I know.

~Has completely stopped rolling when she's on the floor...which is nice, because it means mom has a way to keep her in one spot for a while!

~Is an absolute pro at sitting, which has made for one very happy baby! She loves to see what's going on.

~Crawls! She is a baby on the move, especially when Mo is in the room. She had been army crawling and creeping for a while, but she finally mastered the true crawl June 21st.

~Can pull herself into standing, which we discovered for the first time Father's Day morning (June 19th). And her crib was lowered 5 minutes later...

~Is no longer sleeping through the night...sigh. Since returning from vacation, her sleep schedule has been ALL over the place. Bedtime is a crap shoot, as is whether or not she'll wake up during the night. Gah!

~Is finally eating solid food! YES!!! On her 8 month birthday she finally got things figured out and now she eats like no body's business. She's also an extreme fan of puffs.

~Spent her first Sunday in the nursery, which means mom actually got to go to church! Yay!

~Had to go to the doctor for the first time because of a sickness. Boo. After a low fever for several days, we took her in and found out she had viral stematomas, basically little blisters in her throat. We think she most likely picked it up from touching something during one of our plane rides.

~Weighs 18 pounds, according to the doctors office scale!

Life is so fun right now. I love this age!
Her sweet and silly personality is shining through and we're having a blast. =0)