GRACE at 9 months:
~Has discovered how to make the "G" sound. She crawls through the house making a guttural G noise, sounding an awful lot like static.
~Still refuses to smile well for the camera. Makes it really hard for us to get a good picture!
~Laughs hardest when she's playing with Dad. Melts my heart!
~Has figured out how to pull into standing and cruise along the furniture. She'll stand with only one hand on the furniture; one of these days she'll take off walking!
~Is sleeping a bit better. She goes to bed between 8 or 9, wakes up early in the morning to nurse and then starts her day around 9.
~At last weigh-in she was 18 pounds, 11 ounces. (9mth appointment is later this month.)
~Has been been having a heck of a time teething. She was so crabby for about 2 weeks that we took her to the doc to make sure she didn't have an ear infection. The verdict was teething. However, her teeth have not come in, but she's in a much better mood so I won't complain!
~She's really eating solid food! We're on stage 2 foods, eating solid food 3 times a day and nursing before naps and bedtime. It makes me wonder if she was just hungry during her crabby period...
Funny story: Grace has recently figured out the head shake. The other day we were trying to check her mouth for any new teeth (an impossible feat). After much squirming and fussing, we gave up. We were discussing how that does not bode well for future visits to the dentist, so Kurt asked Grace if she was going to like going to the dentist. She looked right at him with an impish grin on her face and shook her head no! We busted up laughing, asked her again and got the same result! Too funny! Gotta love this girl!
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