Tuesday, July 10, 2012

18(+) Months Old!

I had big plans to have this post up when she was still 18 months.  
Well here we are, two months late!  
So we'll title this her 18+month blog and call it good!

GRACE at 18+ months:

~ Started walking around Christmas and really took off once she turned 14 months. Now she's given up walking and prefers to do a little high-knee run.  Its pretty cute to watch her "prance" through the house.

 ~Talking! Her language seems to change everyday. Right now her favorite word is Mo, the name of our cat, followed by kitty, Daddy, Mommy, car, "B" for her blankie, night-night, nana for banana, ball, shoes, fishies (for goldfish crackers) and a strange southern version of bye. No idea where she picked that one up!

 ~Signing! She can sign all done, more, please, again, eat, thank you, sorry, Mom, Dad and light. It has been SO nice being able to communicate with her.

 ~Stopped nursing at 15 months.

~Has figured out the word "No," and chooses to use it whenever the opportunity arises!  We've had many a very confusing conversation where I ask her if she wants something and she says no while nodding her head yes.  Gah!  Help a Momma out, kid!

~Can be a picky eater.  Most maddening is when I give her something I know she likes and she refuses it!  The prerogative of a one year old....

~Has started singing!  (Which of course I LOVE!)  I often sing her "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "Row Your Boat" to keep her entertained as we're waiting for something.  Recently she's started singing them back to me!  She doesn't have all the words, but you can definitely tell what she's trying to do.  =0)

~Loves to walk places holding onto our fingers, and has started coming and getting us to take us to where she wants us.

~Makes animal noises.  She can quack, moo, neigh, bark, meow, caw, hoot, hiss, baa, coo, ribbit, snort like a pig, roar, growl, howl like a monkey and vroom like a car.

Reading stories with 'Ger.
Playing in the water!

Oh what fun to be had with some beans and a broom!!
 And our biggest news is that Grace is going to be a big sister! Little brother is due August 16th. I had more nausea this time around and have been pretty tired, but other then that things have been great. I was originally due August 9, but baby measured small at our 9 week ultrasound so they moved my due date back a week.  So any "free time" I find during the day has been spent getting things ready for our little guy!

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