Monday, May 20, 2013

9 Months!

Wowee!  9 months old!

LEVI at 9 months:

~Has 4 teeth in (2 top, 2 bottom) with two more top ones on their way.

~Still has patches of eczema, but they're very, very mild.

~Army crawls to get everywhere.  He's so incredibly close to "real" crawling I feel like I can't take my eyes off him when he's up on all fours, just in case I miss THE moment.

~Sits up pretty well when propped up on one of his arms.

~Nurses 4 times a day, and has around 2 tubs of solid food twice a day.

~Has figured out how to make the guttural "G" sound and makes it as he wends his way through the house.

~Still has hair that sticks straight up.  Love it!

~Giggles the hardest when you tickle his ribs.  :)

~According to our home measurements, he weighs 17.4 pounds and is 30 inches long--one long and skinny boy!

~Thanks to his height, he's ready to move up to a convertible car seat.  Makes me happy and sad at the same time--as heavy as the infant car seat is with him in it, it is awfully convenient!

Levi's our little adventurer--always going somewhere or getting into something.  We have plans to replace our back door with the giant dog door in it since I have no doubt that as so as he's able, he'll adventure out the door head first!  He has a very honest face and the sweetest little grin, and I am madly in love with this boy!

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