Grace is 11 months. Gah! I know its been said before, but I can't believe how fast my baby is growing up! Its exciting and bittersweet all at the same time.
GRACE at 11 months:
~Hasn't started talking yet. She seems to recognize that we're "Momma" and "Dada", she just needs to start calling us by name. She will also repeat things we say, like Hi and Bye, Kitty-kitty and night-night, but I haven't been able to get her to say it consistently.
~Has finally started smiling for the camera! No more camera face for this girl.
~Does not do well when her routine is messed up. She also doesn't settle back into a good sleep pattern very easily, either. So if she's up late one night, we have to work to get her back to a normal bedtime.
~Likes to walk while holding onto our fingers. Still no steps on her own, but I'm ok with that. Since she turned 11 months, she's also been standing briefly all by herself. Any day now...!
~Waves and claps! (Technically these happened after she turned 11 months. Oh well.) She responds to Hi and Bye with a wave--too cute! She also started clapping and was so excited that she woke up in the middle of the night to practice. Dear baby, 4 am is for sleeping, not clapping.
~Is starting to pick up sign language. During meal times she'll look up at me with her beautiful brown eyes and sign "more." Melts my heart!
~Is starting to pick up sign language. During meal times she'll look up at me with her beautiful brown eyes and sign "more." Melts my heart!
~Is starting to snuggle. She's always been so interested in what was happening around her she would never put her head on our shoulders. Now she does it whenever she's getting ready for or getting up from a nap or bedtime. I love her sweet hugs in the morning!
~Has started to throw minor tantrums. If things don't go the way she wants, she'll either throw her self backward or forward onto the ground...where she usually gets distracted by licking the floor...
We love our sweet girl! I'm amazed how much she has changed this past year. Putting her baby book together has me looking at pictures of a much younger Grace, thinking "She was never that small, was she?" We love you, Grace Ellie!
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