Sunday, November 6, 2011

One Year Old!!

Grace is one year old! 
I can not believe how much she has grown and changed this past year. 
Kurt and I were talking about how she's not really our baby anymore;
she's looking and acting more and more like a little girl!

GRACE at 12 months:

~Is talking...sort of...!  Her first word with real meaning seems to be "kitty."  Everytime Mo comes into the room, Grace gets really excited and says some version of kitty.  Really cute...although I am a little bummed that I haven't heard her call for Momma yet.

~Is incredibly silly!  She cracks me up with all the silly things she does and the noises she makes as she plays.

~Has started rolling again...mostly during diaper changes.  (See above picture!)  I realize I've been really lucky to have a baby that was mostly stationary when placed on her back, but I've been having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to diaper a baby on the move!  I finally resorted to pinning her down with my leg so I can have a fighting chance to get a diaper on her!

~ Isn't walking yet, but is so incredibly close!  She'll stand by herself, walk holding onto our fingers, but as soon as you take even one hand away, Plop!  Down she goes!  We got her a little stroll-along walker for her birthday and its incredibly cute to watch her walk around the room on her own.

~Is drinking from a sippy cup.  One day she just decided she was ready to do it herself.  I LOVE that she can hydrate all on her own, especially since she's only nursing twice a day now.

~Loves her finger foods.  While she'll still let us feed her baby food, she gets fussy if she doesn't have plenty of chances to do it herself!

~Likes to sit on my lap as she plays.  It doesn't even matter if I'm playing with her, so long as she can sit in my lap!

~Dances! Anytime music starts playing, Grace starts grooving!  She has a really good steady beat, too.

What a year its been!  Love you, Grace. 

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