Tuesday, March 1, 2011

4 Months!

Grace is 4 months old! Wow-wee!

Way too much fun is being had around this place, that's for sure!

GRACE at 4 months:

~Smiles at everyone and giggles like a pro!
~LOVES to have her cheeks tickled!
~Is starting to realize when someone other than Mom or Dad are holding her and protests with a quivery chin and one very sad face.

~Tolerates tummy time again, but still LOVES to sit up tall.

~Rolled from her back to her tummy for the first time yesterday, February 28th! No repeat performances yet, though.

~Was sleeping through the night, but has hit the "4 month wakeful period." Goody.

~IS GOING TO BED AT A NORMAL TIME!!! This is HUGE in our household! We dialed her back 4 hours (without tears!) by moving bedtime up 15 minutes everynight and having a solid bedtime routine. She is now in her crib at 10pm and is usually asleep by 10:30. YAY!

~Weight: 15.14 pounds (90th percentile)

~Head circumference: 14 inches (between 90th and 95th percentile)

~Length: 27 inches (Above the 95th percentile...she's literally off the chart!)

~She's as long as her 6 month old cousin, although she doesn't quite weigh as much.

We went in for her 4 month checkup today. Apparently Grace has a great memory, because the sight of the nurse who gave her shots last time sent her into a fit...and she pretty much stayed there the rest of the appointment. Shots this time didn't even phase her-she was already at her angriest before they stuck her. sigh. I think that whole process is just as hard on Mom as it is on baby! So sorry, Smush. We love you!