Saturday, November 3, 2012

Yellowstone 2012

In October, we spent a weekend in West Yellowstone 
with my family.  
It was a fun, busy weekend jam packed with memories!

3/4 of our family at Firehole Falls.

Waiting for Old Faithful to blow!

There were a TON of elk at Mammoth Hot Springs,

 We left Mammoth (in our brand new van) as the sun set, making for a very dark drive home.  As we made our way through the park, Kurt noticed that there was a strange shadow between us and the car coming the opposite direction.  Forgetting we were in wild animal country, he didn't think anything of it until a big old bison suddenly appeared in our headlights!!!  We narrowly missed hitting him, and good thing too, 'cause big boy was a beast!  Crazy thing was how it didn't even faze him--he just kept putting one foot in front of the other like he owned the road.  
And he did, believe me.

(Not the bison we almost hit.)

 The next day we stayed in W. Yellowstone
 and ate a nice breakfast, shopped, 
and spent some time at the Grizzly and Wolf discovery center.  

Who knew polar bears were so big!?!  

Friday, November 2, 2012

Grace is 2!!!

Our sweet little girl turned two this past weekend.  Wow!  She's grown up so much these past few months that I've honestly been thinking of her as being a 2 year old for a while.  It blows my mind to think that she wasn't walking at this time last year.  Now she goes everywhere at a run, and is even starting to talk in complete sentences.  While this age can be very trying at times, I love getting to talk and listen to my daughter and really learn her heart.  We love you Grace!  

Grace at two years old:

       Favorite Toy:  Large stuffed Tigger
       Favorite TV show:  Curious George
       Favorite Food:  "Macarogaine"  (macaroni and cheese!)
       Favorite game: "P'ay bawl" (rolling a ball back and forth)
       Favorite animal:  Cat, specifically Mo!
       Favorite song: The Alphabet and "Jez yuv" (Jesus Loves Me)
       Favorite thing to do outside: Blow bubbles
       Favorite thing to sleep with: B, her soft blanket toy

       Height: 37 inches (99%)
       Weight: 27 Pounds (67%)
(Basically, she takes after her daddy--tall and skinny!!)

In true 2 year old fashion, the words most often heard around here are "Do it!"   That's most often followed by a triumphant "I did it!" She has a very sweet and caring nature that is starting to come out as she "mommies" her stuffed animals.  She LOVES to sing and be sung to.  Throughout the day I get many requests for "mickey?" (music) and everyday her alphabet song gets closer and closer to the real thing.  (I think she gets about 50% of the letters right now.)  She's also oddly dainty for a toddler.  She dips her fries daintily--she even finger paints daintily.  Love it!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Levi's Labor Story

First off, let me say that Levi and Grace's labor stories could not be more different!  And after having experienced Levi's birth, I'm realizing that her birth was really pretty traumatic-no wonder I had such a hard time postpartum with her!

Levi's original due date was August 9, but our first ultrasound showed that he was measuring a wee bit small, so they moved it back to the 16th, which irked me to no end, since it meant I had to be pregnant for an extra week.  This time around I had zero trouble with blood pressure, so our little guy remained a bit of a mystery compared to his sister who I saw on ultrasound at least once a week during the 3rd trimester.

The evening of august 6th, Kurt and I went to bed fairly late, a bad habit we had developed recently.  We stayed up talking, ringing in the day of our 5th anniversary chatting about life and our little guy we were anxious to meet.  After finally drifting off to sleep sometime after midnight, I woke up feeling very soggy about 2:45.  My first thought was "What did Kurt do to me?  Did he pee on me?"  Once I came to, I realized that holy crap, my water had broken!!!  I woke up a very groggy Kurt, called my mom to watch Grace and got ready to head to the hospital.  Since my mom lived 2 hours away, we ended up having to wake Grace up and take her to the hospital with us.  Let me say, she was a TROOPER!!!  She walked around the halls with us for a good 45 minutes, getting very excited every time she heard the lullaby "mickey" (music) for a new baby.  My mom eventually picked her up and Kurt and I got ready for another marathon day of labor.  My friend Jen was actually called in when we arrived, so we had her, Heather and Jill for nurses.  Yep...I lasted through 2 shift changes.

After it became apparent I wasn't going into labor on my own, they started me on Pitocin.  Our day nurse Heather kept having to up the dosage to help me feel the contractions and we were all the way at a 12 (out of 20) before I really started feeling things.  After some really disgusting laboring on the birth ball, I decided I was ready for an epidural.  I had hoped to make it to at least 5 cm before getting the epidural, so I had them check me at that point.  I was incredibly frustrated to find out I was only at 4 cm, after more then 12 hours of labor.  Shift change happened and the anesthesiologist was already in the hospital for a c-section, so I went ahead and got the epidural anyway, feeling certain I was just preparing for a c-section, since I was sure my body wouldn't get it done on its own.

Imagine my surprise when around an hour later she checked me again and I was at 8 cm!!!  Hot diggity dog!  She started prepping the room and about 2 hours later we were ready to go.  Now came the fun part.  With Grace, I had to push for 3 hours and 15 minutes, despite the fact that everyone assured me I was pushing correctly   This time, I was ready to get this thing done!  The nurse prepped me to do a few practice pushes to help gauge how long it would be before the doctor was needed.  I was in the middle of the first push when the nurse exclaimed "Stop right now! I can see his head!"  It was at this point that I realized just how long our little boy was going to be-he was still pushing his little feet into my ribs even as his head crowned!  By this point too, I had lost all my amniotic fluid so my belly was looking very lopsided.  The doc was called for and within  4 or 5 pushes, Levi Obed made his way into the world.  I watched the delivery in the reflective glass of the light above my bed, which I really loved.  My epidural was working VERY well by that point and it was amazing me to watch my body do what it was designed to do, without feeling the pain.

At Grace's delivery, they knew she had swallowed meconium so there was a whole contingent of NICU nurses there to help her and she ended up having to spend a few hours in the nursery while they kept an eye on her oxygen levels.  With Levi, there was 1 NICU nurse and he was in my arms within 15 minutes, nursing well within the hour.  We were sent to postpartum once my epidural started to wear off and were actually able to get a few hours of sleep once there as they took him to bath him and check his hearing.  My mom brought Grace over the next day to meet her little brother, although she was much more interested in the iPad at the time.  We were discharged on the 9th and brought our little guy home to join his family.

One of the reasons we choose the name Levi is because it means "Joined in Harmony."  As much as I love my little girl, those first few weeks with her were anything but harmonious and I really wanted it to be different this time.  Praise God, it has been!  Levi has joined our family almost seamlessly and my heart is fuller then I knew it could be!  He eats and sleeps well and Grace has shown very little jealousy.  I love my little family and am so thankful for the two little blessings God has placed in  my care.

2 Months!

(It may only be 6 days off, but I'm posting this before he turns 3 months.  Go me!)

I'm floored by how quickly time is going by!  How in the world do I already have a 2 month old (and an almost 2 year old for that matter!)!?!  We've had a rough couple of weeks recently, with Grace, Levi and I all battling colds.  Thankfully they haven't been too bad, but it has made everyone a bit more...grouchy.  I think we're all starting to feel better though.

LEVI at 2 months:
~Knows his mommy and daddy and gives us the BIGGEST smiles when he sees us.

~Is happiest and gives the biggest smiles on his changing pad.  The boy likes a clean diaper!

~His baby acne is finally clearing up.  Yay!  Now we're battling cradle cap.  Boo.  We can keep it off the top of his head ok, but his eyebrows are a mess!

~Is kind of a sporadic sleeper.  He still sleeps well, but when and what it takes to get him to sleep can be quite varied.  Makes it difficult to figure him out...

~His head measures 15 3/4 inches (92%).

~Weighs 12 pounds, 10 oz (81%).  He's gained more weight then his sister, but she still beat him by 4 oz.

~Height: 24 3/4 which puts him in the ...wait for it...100th percentile!!!  We thought Grace was tall, but big boy has her beat by a full inch and a quarter!!!