Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to School

I think I can finally say I am all settled in at my new job. Which is nice, because my hormonal self had quite the hard time with it the first week or so. I'm also recovering nicely from the annual beginning-of-school cold I caught last week. So with all of that behind me, the future looks bright and rosy, and I'm quite happy to be where I'm at. My students are fantastic and have been so excited to play the new instruments I bought for them. (The instruments finally arrived last Tuesday--another reason life is looking up!)

How can you not love teaching at a school where its difficult to walk down the hall because so many students want to give you a hug!?! Or where they draw you pictures just because they want to? Or where you get to carpool to work everyday with two cool girls? Or where you have a standing lunch date everyday? Goodness, Life is good!

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